Ascend Hospice Care

Ascend strives to make one’s last months, days, and hours as fulfilling and comfortable as possible. We’re here to ensure that you can live your remaining time in the manner you seek and do what is most rewarding to you.

Medical Staff

Helping restore your dignity, discerning your needs, and providing expert health care, guidance, and support as you navigate this final journey.

Melinda Bass
Melinda BassAdministrator
In her years of nursing in various positions she learned the pride of being able to care for people in a time of need. She now leads Ascend Hospice to honor her parents. She wanted to provide an alternative that let people stay in their home. Leading the team of clinicians at Ascend Hospice, she does just that providing love and care during this sacred time of life.
Amanda Hornsby-Abshier
Amanda Hornsby-AbshierPatient Care Liaison
Amanda recently began working here and though she was hesitant at going into the hospice field because of the negative misconception, she has come to love and appreciate all that comes along with it.

“I love knowing that we are making a difference when it counts. The love and compassion that I see among our clinical, administrative, and chaplain is unexplainable”.

Your Name Here
Your Name HereVolunteer or Nurse
We are always looking to grow our team. Join us today and make a difference in your community.

More staff bios are coming soon…

Hospice Care at Home

Hospice Care at Home

Hospice care at home is a type of treatment that many families decide to aboard when their loved ones are facing a terminal disease. There are many benefits this type of care offers to their patients, it provides a pain free environment and emotional support during this difficult time.

Ascend Hospice Care

We understand that not one care plan fits all.

We understand that not one care plan fits all.

Our experienced employees will take the time to get to know you and develop an individualized care plan that fits your specific needs.

Hospice Care Services