March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, a time to focus on the challenges faced by the over 5.3 million children and adults in the United States living with brain injury-related disabilities.
Types of traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can come as a result of various sources such as infectious diseases, strokes, and concussions. The majority of TBIs stem from concussions, also known as mild traumatic brain injuries, which can occur unexpectedly due to sudden movements causing the brain to bounce inside the skull. Professional healthcare providers evaluate these injuries based on factors like memory loss and consciousness, categorizing them as:
Symptoms of traumatic brain injury
Common symptoms of traumatic brain injuries include:
While many associate these injuries with sports-related incidents, it is important to note that they can also result from everyday occurrences such as slipping or falling, as well as car or workplace accidents. Older adults are particularly vulnerable to TBIs from falls; thus, it is essential to recognize symptoms early on.
Education plays a crucial role, with a priority on recognizing concussion symptoms and discussing head safety, especially with children.
My brain injury journey
In 2024, the Brain Injury Association of America’s new campaign, “My Brain Injury Journey,” aims to personalize the experiences of those living with brain injuries. This initiative aims to raise awareness and understanding, emphasizing that a brain injury is more than just a medical condition: it is a journey that impacts people on a deeply personal level.
As we observe Brain Injury Awareness Month, building a community that understands the diverse nature of brain injuries and recognizes their impact on patients and their loved ones is crucial. We can contribute to a more empathetic and informed society through increased awareness, education, and support.
Hospice care for patients with brain injuries
Hospice care becomes especially relevant when dealing with life-limiting brain injuries. At Ascend Hospice Care, we recognize the unique challenges faced by patients with traumatic brain injuries and encourage them to discuss hospice criteria. Our approach focuses on improving the quality of life for patients, ensuring comfort, and providing comprehensive support for them and their families.